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Zena Loves School!



My first few days of school are great!! I learn really fast and if you're nice to me and I will do everything I can to please and make you happy. I never want to go back to the cage place ever again! I am learning all the social skills a lady should have. I will know how to act around strangers and other dogs. I haven't meet the local kitty yet, but they said that I will know how to deal with a rude cat. There is just so much going on, dogs and people coming and going, that everyday I see and get to try something new.



So far, I have meet lots of new friends. On my second day, some new people came over  to visit me. They were men, but that was OK because  they were friendly. I was happy to see them, too!

One of my most favorite things is when people are just nice to me. Sometimes I'm a little slow in meeting new people, but I just want to be sure. In the old days, everybody wasn't kind, so I might take a little time to get to know you.


Here I'm learning how to meet new dog friends. In school we are not allowed to fuss or make any problem. I am learning that if I don't like something then just walk away. And so far that works! Here I'm meeting a big guy named Virgil.  He looked scary at first, but he was friendly.




It's only my first week of school, but I'm trying really hard. It's not all fooling around here! I'm pretty smart and already can sit when asked and below you can see that I'm learning what 'down' means. Its easy and once I'm shown what to do I usually catch right on. With a little practice, I'll be good at it! It's fun and I really enjoying working with people. I've heard them say that it makes the bond stronger, but all I know is that if that's what you want I'll do it! Especially if you ask me nicely. Then it's fun!





After all the hard stuff, it's play time! My favorite!! Here's me with my new buddy Bailey.



Anyway, that's all for now! I've got lots more learning and playing to do! If you have room in your heart and home for a new partner, then please think about me!! I'll be your best friend and loyal companion forever. Just give me a chance and remember my name, Zena!!


If interested in getting your own Second Chance partner please click here . Or call Margaret at (209) 223-3194.