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  The 2022 Canine Good Citizen class starts April 27th on Wednesday evenings, ending on June 15th


More Information?
Click here for more information about about joining these challenging classes. Or call us at (209) 223-3194.




On Saturday, March 18, 2006 we had a low snowfall. Despite the conditions, the Twin Cedar faithful braved the elements and showed up for class. Such loyalty is hard to be believed, so here are pictures to prove our clients character!




The dogs were ready to go. They said enough with the coffee and brandy!



Even little Poco the Chihuahua got into the act by leading the pack in the recall.





But not for long, he soon realized that snow was cold and retreated to a warmer location.




Virgil wanted to go, but the road was closed. At least that his story, and he's sticking to it!

So, he stayed in bed.



Here are your faithful, diehard instructors, brandy in hand, waiting for the clients to arrive. It might be a long wait?!

And someone should have reminded the donkeys to go into the barn.